
Communications avec arbitrage international

Deslandes, R. et Barma, S. (2019, September) Collaborative School-Family (S-F) Relationships using the Expansive Learning Cycle to Enhance Parents Empowering in Helping their Child in Literacy. ERNAPE Conference. Gdansk, Poland. September 18-20

Barma S., Deslandes R., Voyer S., Dewailly C., Cooper E.A., Dubois A. & Turgeon-Dorion, O. (2019, Mars). Intervention in the context of controversial issues: engaging in collaborative work and co-design of activities for the science class.  ISCAR Regional Conference. Ioannina, Greece. March 19-24.

Barma, S. (2019, Juillet). Recadrer le rôle du chercheur dans l’accompagnement d’enseignants en formation continue : de la collaboration vers l’intervention. Rencontres internationales du réseau recherche éducation formation (REF). Toulouse, France. 8 au 11 juillet 2019.

Deslandes, R. & Barma, S. (2019, Mars). Exploring the Experimentation of Expansive Learning Actions in View of Improving Teachers-Parents Collaboration. Conference to be held at the National Taipei University of Education during the International Association for the study of cooperation in Education (IASCE), Taipei, Taïwan. March 22-24.

Barma, S. (2019, Mars). Discussant in Symposium 2: Cultural-Historical Activity Theory and Science Education: A new Dimension in STEAM Education. ISCAR Regional Conference. Ioannina, Greece. March 19-24.

Houssin É., Romero M. & Barma, S. (2019, Mars). Unplugged computing climbing activities through the lens of Activity Theory. ISCAR Regional Conference. Ioannina, Greece. March 19-24.

Barma, S. (2018). Quelles mobilisations des enjeux de développement dans les interventions ergonomiques? Symposium présenté au 53e congrès de la Société d’Ergonomie de Langue française (SELF), Bordeaux, France, 3 au 5 octobre.

Deslandes, R. & Barma, S. (2018). The Expansive Learning Theory at the Service of Parent-Teacher Collaboration. International Conference on Education and New Developments (END 2018), Budapest, Hungary. June 23 to 25, 2018

Barma, S, Lessard, A., Laferrière, T.,Breuleux, A (2018, 13th April). Analysis of Participation in Educational Partnerships in Light of Activity Theory. Paper presentation at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). New-York City, 13th-17th April.

Deslandes, R. & Barma, S. (2018, March) Other Ways of Looking at Elementary School Learning Assessment Practices Aiming at Enhancing Family and School Collaboration and Resilience. 7th LAEMOS Conference. Buenos Aires, Argentine. March 22-24, 2018

E. Cooper, A. & Barma, S. (2017, August) A Look at Changes in Teaching Approaches at Medical School through the Lens of Activity Theory. Paper presented in Working Group, part of Round Table 18 : CHAT and change in medical education at the university. 5th International Congress of ISCAR, Quebec, Quebec, August, 28 to September 1.

Deslandes, R. et Barma, S. (2017, August). Experiential Trajectory Change in the Approach Angle of Family-School Collaboration in the Context of Learning Assessment Practices. Paper presented in Working Group, part of Round Table 39 : Creating Collaborative spaces. 5th International Congress of ISCAR, Quebec, Quebec. August 28 to September 1.

Barma, S. & Zaretskii, V. (2017, August). Russian Contribution to Vygotsky’s Heritage. Paper presented at Paper Session 1, part 2/2, 5th International Congress of ISCAR. Quebec, Quebec August 28to September, 1.

Barma, S., Vincent, M.-C., Massé-Morneau, J., Cadieux-Gagnon, F. & Voyer, S. (2017, August). Why and How Sociocultural-Historical Perspective Lead Us To Ask Different Questions When doing Research in STEM ? Paper presented at Barma Symposium 175. 5th International Congress of ISCAR. Quebec, Quebec. August 28 to September 1.

Barma, S. & Plakitsi, K. (2017, August). STEM Interactive Symposium: Challenging Traditions in STEM Research When Crossing the CHAT Landscape. Communication presented at Barma Symposium 175. 5th International Congress of ISCAR. Quebec, Quebec. August 28 to September 1.

Barma, S. (2017, August). The Motivation Sphere of Consciousness in/as Praxis: Empirical Studies. Communication presented at Dionne, P. Symposium 118. 5th International Congress of ISCAR. Quebec, Quebec, August 28 to September, 1.

Barma, S. (2017, August). Science Teachers as Mentors to their Peers: the Challenge of Working Over Conflicting Issues. Communication presented in Dionne & Jornet Symposium 118. 5th International Congress of ISCAR. Quebec, Quebec. August 28 to September 1.

Deblois, L. et Barma, S. (2017). Identification de contradictions dans l’activité d’enseignants du primaire devant la compétence à résoudre des problèmes mathématiques. Didactique Professionnelle – Quatrième Colloque International Entre pressions institutionnelles et autonomie du sujet : quelles analyses de l’activité en situation de travail en didactique professionnelle ? Université de Lille - Sciences et Technologies, France, 6 au 8 juin 2017.

Lotz, C., Barma, S. et al. (accepted, 2017). The role of dialectics in co-constructing knowledge. 5th International Congress of ISCAR. Québec, Canada, 28th August to 1st September.

Barma, S. (August, 2017). Science teachers as mentors to their peers: the challenge of working over conflicting issues. Communication presented in Dionne & Jornet the Symposium X. 5th International Congress of ISCAR. Québec, Canada, 28th August to 1st September.

Laferrière, T., Barma, S., Bernard, M-C., Trépanier, C., & Vincent, M-C. (April,2017). Boundary spanning among educational partners in the service of equality of opportunity. Paper presentation at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Antonio, Texas, April 27- May 1, 2017.

Barma, S. & Plakitsi, K. (August, 2017). STEM interactive symposium: challenging traditions in STEM research when crossing the CHAT landscape. Communication presented in the Symposium STEM. 5th International Congress of ISCAR. Québec, Canada, August to September.

Deslandes, R. et Barma, S. (August, 2017). Experiential Trajectory Change in the Approach Angle of Family-School Collaboration in the Context of Learning Assessment Practices 5th International Congress of ISCAR. Québec, Canada, 28th August to 1st September.

Deslandes, R. & Barma, S. (July, 2017). The Challenge of Improving Homework Processes and Benefits: Insights from Two Intervention Research Sessions with Teachers and Parents of an Elementary School. Paper presented at the 11th biennial ERNAPE conference. University of Roehampton, London, UK, July 5th-7th 2017.

Barma, S., Lessard, A., Deslandes, R., & Bourdon, S. (2016). Planning and implementing two CL sessions to foster learning actions amongst participants. Communication presented in the Symposium on Transforming educators' mere work into collaborative practices to enhance learning. 7th Nordic International Society for Cultural historical Activity Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 16-18. 

Lessard, A., Barma, S., Bourdon, S., Ntebutse, J.-G. (2016). Taking the first step towards transforming collaborative practices: analysing data using cultural-historical activity theory. Communication presented in the Symposium on Transforming educators' mere work into collaborative practices to enhance learning. 7th Nordic International Society for Cultural historical Activity Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 16-18. 

Deslandes, R. Barma, S., & Massé-Morneau, J. (2016). Generated conflicts in implementing new curricular reform teaching practices. Paper presentation at the International Conference on Education and New Developments, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 12-14

Barma, S., Deslandes, R., Hamel, C., Laferrière, T.,  & Larouche, C. (2016). Researchers’ activity systems: Identifying contradictions to the benefit of school learners. Regional Meeting Canada-United States of the International Society for Cultural-historical and Activity Research, April 13, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

Deslandes, R., Barma, S. & Massé-Morneau, J. (2016). The Role of the School Community in Dissonance with a Paradigm Shift in Science Teaching Approaches. Paper presented at 18th roundtable of the international network on school, family, and community partnership (INET). Washington, DC, April 8th, 2016.

Barma, S., Vincent, M-C. et Massé-Morneau, J. (2015, September). Understanding the origins of concepts as tools for students: the rationality island as a promising model. Paper presented  in Barma, S. Symposium 1 “STEM in Science curriculum reforms and educational policies as a (co)-designed activity”. At the 2015 European Research Science Education Research Association Conference (ESERA). Helsinki, Finland. September 1st 2015.

Deslandes, R. Barma, S. et Morin, L. (2015) Understanding Complex Relationships Between Teachers and Parents. Paper presented at 10th International Conference ERNAPE-ARTIC European Research Network about Parents in Education, UiT Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Nor­way. August 26, 2015

Barma, S. et Daniel, S. (2015). Contribution méthodologique à la création et à la mise en œuvre de jeux sérieux, réalité augmentée et apprentissage mobile. Conducted at the Intergenerational learning, life narratives and games. Silver Gaming Intergenerational Summer School (SGISS 2015). Québec, Canada. August 22nd, 2015.

Daniel, S. et Barma, S. (2015). Design of a serious game based on augmented reality for electromagnetism learning at college. Conducted at the Intergenerational learning, life narratives and games. Silver Gaming Intergenerational Summer School (SGISS 2015). Québec, Canada. August 22nd, 2015.

Deslandes, R. et Barma, S. (2014). Teacher-Parent Relations and the Change Lab Approach. In Laferrière, T. Symposium 17: Systemic analysis of innovative research and intervention: The CRIRES case. Conducted at the 4th International Congress of ISCAR, Sydney, Australia. October 2nd, 2014.

Gervais, F. & Barma, S. (2014). Theoretical underpinnings, context, and object-outcome. In Laferrière, T. Symposium 17: Systemic analysis of innovative research and intervention: The CRIRES case. Conducted at the 4th International Congress of ISCAR, Sydney, Australia. October 2nd, 2014.

Deslandes, R., Barma, S., Trépanier, C. & Manningham, S. (2014). School-community-NGO partnership and the change lab approach. In Laferrière, T. Symposium 17: Systemic analysis of innovative research and intervention: The CRIRES case. Conducted at the 4th International Congress of ISCAR, Sydney, Australia. October 2nd, 2014.

Barma, S. (2014). Motivations and contradictions faced by high school teachers as they integrate class-workshops to science education in order to give new meaning to scientific and technological concepts. InSymposium “STEM as a cultural historical approach to give new meaning to a sustainable society”. Conducted at the 4th International Congress of ISCAR, Sydney, Australia. October 1st, 2014

Barma, S., Vincent, M-C., Massé-Morneau, J. & Lacasse, M. (2014). Resolution of tensions and boundary crossing: engaging in talking about climate change in a Quebec secondary school.(Environmental science ed. project). Poster presented at the 4th International Congress of ISCAR.  Sydney, Australia. October 3rd, 2014.

Barma, S. (2014, août)Les futurs enseignants et les défis de leur faire formuler des questions porteuses en classe de science. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Knowledge Building Summer Institute. Québec, Canada. August 12th, 2014.

Romero, M. & Barma, S. (2014). Serious Games opportunities for the primary education in Quebec. Gala Conference,  2014. Bucharest, Romania. July 3rd, 2014.

Barma, S., Lacasse, M. (2013, September). Resolution of Tensions and Modelling of Emancipatory Transitional Actions by “Science and Technology of the Environment” in Quebec Secondary Schools. Paper presented in the symposium « Socio-cultural Approaches to STEM Education » at the 2013 European Research Science Education Research Association Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus. 2nd September, 2013.

Barma, S., Lemieux, B., & Laferrière, T. (2013, July). Manifestations of Contradictions and Transitional Actions: Modelling an Organizational Change in an “Alternance” Cooperative Study Program. Paper presented in the 29th EGOS Colloquium “Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews”. Montréal, Canada. July 4th, 2013.

Lemieux, B., Barma, S. & Laferrière, T. (2013, July). CL-inspired formative intervention (FAST project) as a way to transform a learning environment. Poster presented at C-US, the Canada-United States ISCAR Regional Meeting, Quebec, Canada. July 2nd, 2013.

Barma, S. (accepted, 2014). Motivations and contradictions faced by high school teachers as they integrate class-workshops to science education in order to give new meaning to scientific and technological concepts. Proposal for a symposium to be held from  September 29th to October 3rd 2014, Sydney, Australia. International Congress of ISCAR in Australia.

Barma, S., Lacasse, M., Massé-Morneau, J. Vincent, M-C. (accepted, 2014). Resolution of tensions and boundary crossing: engaging in talking about climate change in a Quebec secondary school. (Environmental science ed. project). Poster presented at International Congress of ISCAR in Australia.  Sydney, Australia. September 29th to      October 3rd 2014.

Barma, S., Lemieux, B., & Laferrière, T. (2013). Manifestations of Contradictions and Transitional Actions: Modelling an Organizational Change in an “Alternance” Cooperative Study Program. Paper presented in the 29th EGOS Colloquium “Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews”. Montréal Canada
 4–6, 7. 2013

Barma, S., & Lemieux, B. (2013, July 3). Double Stimulation and Chains of Actions to Document the Formation of Agency in FAST. Presentation at C-US, the Canada-United States ISCAR Regional Meeting, Quebec City. July 1 – 3, 2013.

Lacasse, M., & Barma, S. (2013, July 2). Need state, tensions and modeling practice rooted in a socially environmental controversial issue. Poster presented at C-US, the Canada-United States ISCAR Regional Meeting, Quebec City. July 1 – 3, 2013.

Vincent, M.-C., & Barma, S. (2013, July 2). Proposing a theoretical analysis tool for reading the development of complex mathematics skills in Quebec Science and technology classes. Poster presented at C-US, the Canada-United States ISCAR Regional Meeting, Quebec City. July 1 – 3, 2013.

Lemieux, B., Barma, S. & Laferrière, T. (2013, July 3). CL-inspired formative intervention (FAST project) as a way to transform a learning environment. Poster presented at C-US, the Canada-United States ISCAR Regional Meeting, Quebec City. July 1 – 3, 2013.

Massé-Morneau, J. & Barma, S. (2013, July 3). Manifestations of contradictions in secondary school students’ reading intentions and volition (Environmental science ed. project). Poster presented at C-US, the Canada-United States ISCAR Regional Meeting, Quebec City. July 1 – 3, 2013.

Allaire, S., Gervais, F, Barma, S., & Hamel, C. (2011, September 6). Collaborative Teaching, Learning, and Knowledge Building: The Case of the Remote Networked School Initiative. Paper presented at The International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), Rome. September 5–10, 2011.

Barma, S. (2011, September 8). Planning, Producing and Reflecting on New Teaching and Learning Situations in the Context of Pedagogical Reform in Quebec: a Case Study, Poster presentation at The International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), Rome. September 5 – 10, 2011.

Power, M., Barma, S., & Daniel, S. (2011 June). Mind Your Game, Game Your Mind! Mobile Gaming for co-Constructing Knowledge. Ed-Media 2011. Lisbonne, Portugal. June 27- July 1, 2011.

Power, T.M., Daniel, S., Barma, S., & Harrap, R. (2010, October 21).Playing with Fire: Kindling Learning Through Mobile Gaming. Communication acceptée à la 4th European Conference on Games Based Learning, The Danish School of Education, University of Aarhus, Copenhague, Danemark. October 21 – 22, 2010.

Barma, S., Power, T.M., & Daniel, S.(2010, 25 Août). Réalité augmentée et jeu mobile pour une éducation aux sciences et à la technologie. Communication présentée dans le cadre du colloque Scientifique Ludovia 2010, Interactivité/interactions – Enjeux relationnels, Ax-les- Thermes, France. 24 – 27 Août, 2010.

Barma, S. (2010, Mai). Environnement d’apprentissage hybride en formation initiale des maîtres : planifier, produire et réfléchir dans le contexte de la production d’activités d’enseignement interdisciplinaires en enseignement des sciences. Communication présentée dans le cadre du colloque de l’Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire (AIPU), Rabat, Maroc. 17 – 21 Mai, 2010.

Hamel, C., & Barma, S. (2010, mai). L’intégration des savoirs pour une formation professionnelle de qualité. Communication présentée dans le cadre du colloque de l’Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire (AIPU), Rabat, Maroc. . 17 – 21 Mai, 2010.

Barma, S. (2009, 11 Mai). Renouvellement des postures épistémologiques en éducation aux sciences et à l’environnement au secondaire au Québec : lecture socioculturelle du renouvellement de pratiques d’enseignants. Communication présentée dans le cadre du symposium intitulé « Éducation aux sciences et éducation relative à l’environnement », 5e congrès mondial d’éducation relative à l’environnement, Montréal, Québec. 10 – 14 Mai, 2009.

Barma, S. (2008, September 9). Expansive Learning as a Way to Innovate in High School Science Teaching in the Context of Educational Reform in Quebec. Presentation at the 2nd  Congress of The International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), San Diego, California, USA. September 8 – 13, 2008.

Bader, B., Barma, S. et Thériault, G. (2007, 31 Août). Dimensions sociales des sciences et question climatique : conceptions de futurs enseignants du secondaire. Communication présentée dans le cadre du congrès international de l’Actualité de la Recherche en Éducation et en Formation (AREF), Strasbourg, France. 28 – 31 Août, 2007.