
Articles publiés

Edane, E., Duchesne, S., & Boisclair Châteauvert, G. (2024). Problematic school functioning and substance use among Gabonese students: Moderating effect of basic psychological needs frustration. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology.

Duchesne, S., & Ratelle, C.F. (2024). Antecedents and consequences of student academic worries about the secondary school transition. Learning and Individual Differences, 113, 102485.

Mbanga, R., Ratelle, C.F., & Duchesne, S. (2024). Bidirectional and longitudinal associations between academic motivation and vocational indecision. Motivation and Emotion, 48, 573–588.

Ratelle, C.F., Boisclair Châteauvert, G., Bourret, M., & Duchesne, S. (2024). Observing parental need supporting behaviors toward adolescents: Comparing four coding strategies. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 33, 1656-1670.

Mbanga, R., Ratelle, C.F., & Duchesne, S. (2024). Predicting trajectory of vocational indecision from motivational profile. BMC Psychology.

Ratelle, C.F., Plamondon, A., Litalien, D., & Duchesne, S. (2024). Developmental trajectories of mother-adolescent agreement on maternal autonomy support and their contributions to adjustment. Journal of Family Psychology. Advance online publication.

Ratelle, C.F., Vargas Lascano, D.I., Guay, F., & Duchesne, S. (2023). Need satisfaction during the transition to secondary school and its implications in later education: A latent transition analysis. Learning and Individual Differences, 107, 102357. 

Busque-Carrier, M., Ratelle, C.R., & Duchesne, S. (2023). French validation of the Twenty-Item Value Inventory. European Review of Applied Psychology, 73, 100812.

Ahn, J.S., Ratelle, C.F, Plamondon, A., Duchesne, S., & Guay, F. (2022). Testing reciprocal associations between parenting and youth’s motivational resources of career decision-making agency during the postsecondary transition. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 2396-2410.

Fréchette-Simard, C., Plante, I., Duchesne, S., & Chaffee, K. E. (2022). The mediating role of test anxiety in the evolution of academic self-concept, motivation and achievement of students transitioning from elementary to high school. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 71, 102116.

Duchesne, S., Plamondon, A., & Ratelle, C.F. (2022). Students’ inattention symptoms and psychological need satisfaction during the secondary school transition: The protective role of teachers' involvement. Journal of Attention Disorders, 26, 1846-1856.

Fréchette-Simard, C., Plante, I., Duchesne, S.,& Chaffee, K. E. (2022). A latent growth analysis of individual factors predicting test anxiety during the transition from elementary to secondary school. Journal of Early Adolescence, 43, 265-293.

Duchesne, S., Ratelle, C. F., & Larose, S. (2022). Bidirectional relations between autonomous motivations and approach goals and their contribution to school functioning. Educational Psychology: An international journal of experimental educational psychology, 42, 240-258. 

Larose, S., Duchesne, S., & Boisclair Châteauvert, G. (2022). Graduating from college: Exploring first-semester dispositions and experiences ofsupport associated with unexpected pathways. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 24, 810-831. 

Charlot Colomès, A. A., Duchesne, S., & Boisclair Châteauvert, G. (2021). Autonomy support and school adjustment: The mediating role of basic psychological needs. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/21683603.2021.1877226

Madjar, N., Ratelle, C.F., & Duchesne, S. (2021). Longitudinal analysis of the relationships between students’ depression and anxiety symptoms with their achievement goal orientations. Motivation Science.

Ratelle, C.F., Duchesne, S., Litalien, D., & Plamondon, A. (2021). The role of mothers in supporting adaptation in school: A psychological needs perspective. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113, 197–212.

Duchesne, S., & Ratelle, C. (2020). Achievement goals, motivation, and social and emotional adjustment in high school: A longitudinal mediation test. Educational Psychology: An international journal of experimental educational psychology40, 1033-1051

Larose, S., Duchesne, S., & Boisclair Châteauvert, G. (2020). How does mentoring by teachers improve the adjustment of academically at-risk students in high school?. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 8, 36-49.

Fréchette-Simard, C., Plante, I., Dubeau, A., & Duchesne, S. (2019). La motivation scolaire et ses théories actuelles : une recension théorique. Journal of Education / Revue des sciences de l'éducation de McGill, 54, 500-518.

Gagnon, É., Ratelle, C.F., Guay, F., & Duchesne, S. (2019). Developmental trajectories of vocational exploration from adolescence to early adulthood: The role of parental need supporting behaviors. Journal of Vocational Behavior. doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2019.103338.

Denault, A. S., Ratelle, C. F., Duchesne, S., & Guay, F. (2019). Extracurricular activities and career indecision: A look at the mediating effect of vocational exploration. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 110, 43-53.

Larose, S., Duchesne, S., Litalien, D., Denault, A.-S., & Boivin. M. (2019). Adjustment trajectories during the college transition: Types, personal and family antecedents, and academic outcomes. Research in Higher Education, 60, 684-710.

Duchesne, S., Larose, S., & Feng, B. (2019). Achievement goals and academic engagement in early high school years: Does help-seeking from teachers matter? The Journal of Early Adolescence, 39, 222-252.

Duchesne, S., & Larose, S. (2018). Academic competence and achievement goals: Self-pressure and disruptive behaviors as mediators. Learning and Individual Differences, 68, 41-50.

Ratelle, C.F., Duchesne, S., Guay, F., & Boisclair Châteauvert., G. (2018). Comparing the contribution of overall structure and its specific dimensions for competence-related outcomes: A bifactor model. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 54, 89-98. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.05.005

Guay, F., Ratelle, C., Duchesne, S., & Dubois, P. (2018). Mothers and fathers’ autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviors: An analysis of interparental contributions. Parenting, 18, 45-65

Ratelle, C.F., Morin, A.J.S., Guay, F., & Duchesne, S. (2018). Sources of evaluation of parental behaviors as predictors of achievement outcomes. Motivation and Emotion, 42, 513-526. doi: 10.1007/s11031-018-9692-4

Ratelle, C. F., Duchesne, S., & Guay, F. (2017). Predicting school adjustment from multiple perspectives on parental behaviors. Journal of Adolescence, 54, 60-72. 

Maltais, C., Duchesne, S., Ratelle, C. F., & Feng, B. (2017). Learning climate, academic competence, and anxiety during the transition to middle school: Parental attachment as a protective factor. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology67, 103-112.

Duchesne, S., Ratelle, C., & Feng, B. (2017). Psychological need satisfaction and achievement goals: Exploring indirect effects of academic and social adaptation following the transition to secondary school. Journal of Early Adolescence, 37, 1280-1308.

Duchesne, S., & Ratelle, C. F. (2016). Patterns of anxiety symptoms during adolescence: Gender differences and sociomotivational factors. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 46, 41-50. 

Larose, S., Duchesne, S., Boivin, M., Vitaro, F., & Tremblay, R. E. (2015). College completion: A longitudinal examination of the role of developmental and specific college experiences. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology, 3, 143-56.

Maltais, C., Duchesne, S., Ratelle, C. F., & Feng, B. (2015). Attachment to mother and achievement goal orientations at the beginning of middle school: The mediating role of perceived academic competence and anxiety. Learning and Individual Differences, 39, 39-48.

Ratelle, C. F., & Duchesne, S. (2014). Trajectories of psychological need satisfaction during the transition to high school as a predictor of school adjustment. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 39, 388-400.

Lessard, V., Larose, S., Duchesne, S., & Feng, B. (2014). Tracking in high school mathematics: Individual, social, and school-based determinants in an education reform context. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 4, 102-116.

Duchesne, S., Ratelle, C. F., & Feng, B. (2014). Developmental trajectories of achievement goal orientations during the middle school transition: The contribution of emotional and behavioral dispositions. Journal of Early Adolescence, 34, 485-516.

Duchesne, S., & Ratelle, C. F. (2014). Attachment security to mothers and fathers and developmental trajectories of depressive symptoms in adolescence: Which parent for which trajectory? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43, 641-654.

Tremblay, M., Duchesne, S., Vitaro, F., & Tremblay, R. E. (2013). Developmental trajectories of oppositional behavior during elementary school and their risk factors.Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 3, 234-243.

Ratelle, C. F., & Duchesne, S. (2013). La motivation des élèves : la comprendre et l’orienter. Vivre le primaire, 26, 39-41.

Duchesne, S., Mercier, A., &Ratelle, C. F. (2012). Vocational exploration in middle school: Motivational characteristics of students and perceptions of the learning climate. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 46, 367-386.

Duchesne, S., Ratelle, C. F., & Roy, A. (2012). Worries about the middle school transition and subsequent adjustment: The role of classroom goal structure. Journal of Early Adolescence, 32, 681-710.

Ratelle, C. F., & Duchesne, S. (2012). Une étude sur la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques des élèves du secondaire et de leur importance pour expliquer l’ajustement scolaire, social et émotionnel à la fin du secondaire. La pratique en mouvement, 4, 26.

Duchesne, S., & Ratelle, C. F. (2010). Parental behaviors and adolescents’ achievement goals at the beginning of middle school: Emotional problems as potential mediators. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 497-507.

Duchesne, S., Larose, S., Vitaro, F., & Tremblay, R. E. (2010). Trajectories of anxiety in a population sample of children: Clarifying the role of children’s behavioral characteristics and maternal parenting. Development and Psychopathology, 22, 361-373.

Poulin, R., Duchesne, S., & Ratelle, C. F. (2010). Profils de buts d’apprentissage et caractéristiques personnelles des élèves au début du secondaire. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 42, 44-54.

Duchesne, S., Ratelle, C. F., Poitras, S. C., & Drouin, É. (2009). Early adolescent attachment to parents, emotional functioning and worries about the middle school transition. Journal of Early Adolescence, 29, 743-766.

Duchesne, S., Vitaro, F., Larose, S., & Tremblay, R. E. (2008). Trajectories of anxiety during elementary-school years and prediction of high school noncompletion. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37, 1134-1146.

Duchesne, S., & Larose, S. (2007). Adolescent attachment to mother and father and academic motivation and performance in early adolescence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37, 1501-1521.

Duchesne, S., Ratelle, C. F., Larose, S., & Guay, F. (2007). Adjustment trajectories in college science programs: Perceptions of qualities of parents' and college teachers' relationships. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54, 62-71.

Duchesne, S., Larose, S., Guay, F., Tremblay, R. E., & Vitaro, F. (2005). The transition from elementary to high school: The pivotal role of family and child characteristics in explaining trajectories of academic functioning. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 29, 409-417.

Duchesne, S., & Larose, S. (2001). Indépendance à l'égard des parents, tutorat maître-élève, et intégration d'adolescents à risque aux études collégiales. Revue de Psychoéducation et d'Orientation, 30, 237-260.

Duchesne, S., & Larose, S. (2000). Relation entre les comportements interpersonnels de tuteurs-enseignants et l'intégration des élèves aux études collégiales. Revue des Sciences de l'Éducation, 36, 571-599.

Duchesne, S., & Larose, S. (2000). Pour une approche développementale en tutorat maître-élève. Pédagogie Collégiale, 13, 19-24.

Soucy, N., Duchesne, S., & Larose., S. (2000). Examen des programmes de tutorat maître-élève dans les collèges du réseau québécois. Pédagogie Collégiale, 13, 12-18.

Larose, S., Bernier, A., Soucy, N., & Duchesne, S. (1999). The network orientation: A mediator of the relation between attachment style dimensions and support seeking from college teachers. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 16, 225-247.


Groupe de recherche sur l'inadaptation psychosociale chez l'enfant (GRIP)

Stéphane Duchesne est chercheur régulier au sein du Groupe de recherche sur l'inadaptation psychosociale (GRIP), un regroupement interuniversitaire et interdisciplinaire officiellement reconnu par l'Université Laval qui se penche sur le développement des difficultés psychosociales chez les jeunes et sur l'identification des moyens de prévention et d'intervention.


Intérêts de recherche


Les intérêts de recherche du professeur Duchesne s’articulent autour de trois axes:

I. les trajectoires d'adaptation socio-scolaire des enfants et des adolescents en contexte de transitions scolaires (primaire-secondaire; secondaire-collégiale):

  • comportements et émotions;
  • motivation à réussir;
  • rendement et persévérance scolaires.

II. les déterminants environnementaux de l’adaptation:

  • attachement aux parents;
  • pratiques éducatives des parents;
  • climat de la classe.

III. l'évaluation d'interventions psychosociales en milieu scolaire:

  • accompagnement  des élèves à risque par des enseignants-ressources;
  • pratiques pédagogiques en classe.