Collaborations internationales

Depuis le 4 juin 2015
International Study of Leadership Development in Higher Education (ISLDHE)

The International Study of Leadership Development in Higher Education (ISLDHE) project is an ongoing study investigating the efficacy of leadership development in higher education in different countries. The aim of this study is to promote optimal leadership in higher education through useful leadership development. Varying levels of formal leadership in universities, colleges, and institutes are encompassed in this study. Leadership roles that will be studied will include Deans, Head of Faculty/School, Chair, Associate Deans, Provosts, (Vice) Chancellors and/or Presidents.

Research questions

The overarching research questions in this study are:

How useful are the leadership development experiences for formal leaders in higher education?

How do different cultural contexts influence leadership development in higher education and what can be learned from these different culturally-sensitive approaches?

Further research questions

What types of leadership preparation and development are available to novice deans?

How useful are these leadership development experiences in preparing deans for their leadership role in higher education? 

What knowledge, skills, and attributes/attitudes (KSAs) do these experiences include to promote optimal decanal performance?


De gauche à droite (haut) : Abdoulaye Anne, Louise Clément. De gauche à droite (bas) : Manon Chamberland, David Litalien.
Abdoulaye Anne, au premier rang (7e personne à partir de la gauche)