Supporting Students with Behavioural Challenges in Structuring an Individualized Education Plan

The “I have my IEP!” tool kit has been developed by The Group on the Use of Self-Determination with IEPs to equip all stakeholders in  the establishment and implementation of individual educational plans for students with behavioral difficulties. It includes training material as well as tools facilitating the realization for all its actors of each phase of the IEP. The “I have my IEP!” tool kit aims to support the collaborative establishment of IEP for all students with behavioral difficulties, be they emotional, social or even cognitive in school.




Introducing the educational tool kit

The ''I have my IEP!'' Tool Kit

The "I have my IEP!tool kit is reserved exclusively for use by those trained in its approach. To register for the next free training session, click here.


Before using the resources, kindly take a moment to read the tool kit Terms of Use just below.


Click here for access to the tools

In relation to the “I have my IEP!” approach, the prescribed steps and associated tools would translate to a Formal Review Phase; a Consulting and Needs Assessment Phase; a Consensus Phase and an Implementation Phase (the latter including an ongoing review of the IEP itself and leading to the periodical renewal of the entire IEP cycle). 


Download the Presentation Document

Download Reference Documentation and Guidelines




Connected Research Project

The ''I have my IEP!'' tool kit was developed under the auspices of a research project entitled L’établissement du plan d’intervention et la mobilisation des acteurs pour soutenir la réussite des élèves présentant des difficultés de comportement.


Visit the research project's website (French only)

Terms of use

Research team


