

Structure of Psychopathology in Romanian Preschool-Aged Children in an Epidemiological and a High-Risk Sample JAACAP Open, 2023/11. Katherine L. Guyon-Harris, André Plamondon, Kathryn L. Humphreys, Mark Wade, Mary Margaret Gleason, Florin Tibu, Charles A. Nelson, Nathan A. Fox, Charles H. Zeanah. DOI 10.1016/j.jaacop.2023.06.004

Systematic Integration of Multi-Informant Externalizing Ratings in Clinical Settings Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 2023/10/03. Madison Aitken, André Plamondon, John Krzeczkowski, Hali Kil, Brendan F. Andrade. DOI 10.1007/s10802-023-01119-z

Validation of the French-Canadian Version of the Positive Youth Development Scale-Short Form (PYD-SF) Applied Developmental Science, 2023/05/26. Jiseul Sophia Ahn, André Plamondon, Maxim Bouchard, Anne-Sophie Denault. DOI 10.1080/10888691.2023.2215988

Dynamics of parent-adolescent interactions during a discussion on career choice: The role of parental behaviors and emotions Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2023/03. Mélanie Bourret, Catherine F. Ratelle, André Plamondon, Geneviève Boisclair Châteauvert. DOI 10.1016/j.jvb.2022.103837

Testing Reciprocal Associations between Parenting and Youth’s Motivational Resources of Career Decision-Making Agency during the Postsecondary Transition Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2022/12. Jiseul Sophia Ahn, Catherine F. Ratelle, André Plamondon, Stéphane Duchesne, Frédéric Guay. DOI 10.1007/s10964-022-01672-8

Different Ways to Support and Thwart Autonomy: Parenting Profiles and Adolescents’ Career Decision-Making Journal of Family Psychology, 2022. Ahn, J.S., Plamondon, A., Ratelle, C.F.. DOI 10.1037/fam0000982

Students’ Inattention Symptoms and Psychological Need Satisfaction During the Secondary School Transition: The Protective Role of Teachers’ Involvement Journal of Attention Disorders, 2022. Duchesne, S., Plamondon, A., Ratelle, C.F.. DOI 10.1177/10870547221105061

Disentangling adversity timing and type: Contrasting theories in the context of maternal prenatal physical and mental health using latent formative models. Development and psychopathology, 2021/05. Plamondon A, Racine N, McDonald S, Tough S, Madigan S. DOI 10.1017/s0954579421000353

A Family Socialization Model of Transdiagnostic Risk for Psychopathology in Preschool Children. Research on child and adolescent psychopathology, 2021/03. Wade M, Plamondon A, Jenkins JM. DOI 10.1007/s10802-021-00789-x


De gauche à droite : Julien Bureau, examinateur et professeur agrégé au Département des fondements et pratiques en éducation, Université Laval; Anne-Sophie Denault, examinatrice et professeure titulaire au Département des fondements et pratiques en éducation, Université Laval; Jee Seul Ahn, étudiante au doctorat; André Plamondon, codirecteur de recherche et professeur titulaire au Département des fondements et pratiques en éducation, Université Laval; Catherine Ratelle, directrice de recherche et professeure titulaire au Département des fondements et pratiques en éducation, Université Laval. Absent sur la photo : Richard Koester, examinateur externe et professeur titulaire au Département de psychologie, Université McGill.