Lieu : En ligne, sur Zoom

L’équipe Développement positif en contextes éducatifs vous invite à une conférence d’Anne Holding, postdoctorante à la New York University, dont les travaux portent sur les effets de la motivation dans la poursuite des buts à long terme. La conférence s’intitule «The role of motivation across the lifecycle of personal goals». Elle sera offerte en anglais, mais les questions pourront être posées en français.
Résumé de la conférence
When we think about goal pursuit, we often think about goal attainment, perseverance, and success. However, recent research suggests it may be just as important to let go of goals, especially those that are too costly or unrealistic. My research aims to understand the lifecycle of personal goals, and how individuals optimally regulate different phases in goal striving. I argue that the distinction between autonomous and controlled motivation is critical for each phase of the goal’s lifecycle: (1) goal pursuit, (2) action crisis and (3) goal disengagement and reengagement. Moreover, I suggest that optimally regulating these phases in goal striving, for example, by overcoming action crises or disengaging from unattainable goals, leads to enhanced productivity, adaptation, and well-being.
La conférence aura lieu via Zoom. Pour participer, utilisez ce lien.